Saturday, 28 January 2017

God bless America - part 2

I had intended that my previous post would be my last word on Donald Trump.  However, I have a problem.  My problem is the Donald Trump Christian fan club – those of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are enthusiastically applauding his every move and suggesting that anyone who criticises him does so because they are part of a politically correct godless liberal establishment.
Let me clear:
·       I believe God has ultimate sovereignty over the appointment of national leaders.
·       It really doesn’t bother me if my American friends vote Republican or Democrat.
·       I am happy to believe that Donald Trump’s unlikely appointment was a necessary corrective to American politics and that good may be worked through it.

Nevertheless, there is a biblical story that has been very much on my mind during the last few days that reminds me that just because a leader is ordained by God for a season it does not equate to an unqualified character endorsement.

In 1 Kings 19:15 we are introduced to a man called Hazael who was anointed by the prophet Elijah to be king over Syria.  Later on, in 2 Kings 8, Elijah’s successor Elisha has an encounter with Hazael in which he too prophesies that Hazael will be king of Syria.  The detail that has stood out to me though is the prophet’s reaction to his own message – he weeps!  He weeps because he knows the cruelty of Hazael and he knows that people will suffer under his leadership. 

As I look at events on the other side of the Atlantic I identify with Elisha. I believe that the Trump presidency will ultimately achieve godly purpose, but I also see that he is far from being a righteous character and that there will be pain for many.  As I said in my last post, our right reaction to recent events is to pray for Mr Trump and pray for America.  However this does not mean that we need to become his loyal supporters, defend his reputation or pretend he is a godly man.  He will lead for a season, and he will one day give account to God for his time in office, but in the meantime we are allowed to weep a little.   

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